Ivory Jewelry
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To begin with, it is worth mentioning that now the phrase “ivory” does not always need to be taken literally. This concept often includes mention of the bones of other mammals: hippopotamus, narwhal, rhinoceros, etc. When buying jewelry made from the tusk of the largest land animal, you should make sure that the product is actually made from this particular material. You also need to be wary of counterfeits, since unscrupulous traders can pass off crocodile bone, shark bone, and even the hard fruits of some palm plants as elephant ivory. Therefore, it is necessary to know the basic characteristics of ivory. It has a high density, an even light beige shade, and a light mesh pattern.
Is it fashionable to wear ivory jewelry?
It is important to remember that the extraction of this material is very limited, since the extermination of animals for the sake of tusks is strictly prohibited, and the bone of a long-dead elephant loses many valuable qualities. Therefore, jewelry is expensive, it is not very common and it is not always easy to find. However, this does not mean that ivory products are not popular and it is not fashionable to wear them. Often women store old “grandmother’s” beads and rings in boxes and do not suspect that these are valuable things that can be put in order and safely included among their other jewelry. Unfortunately, many do not realize that the box is the most sworn enemy of an ivory product. After all, the lack of sunlight leads to yellowing of the decoration.
How to restore the beauty of a product?
Everything is very simple: you just need to purchase a 3 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide at the pharmacy. You should completely immerse the beads, ring or earrings in the solution and leave them warm for a day (at a temperature of +30°C - +35°C). Then the product must be washed and dried well.
If the jewelry has not only turned yellow, but also has serious dirt, you need to lightly brush it with a soapy solution. In this case, the product also needs to be dried quickly. Although ivory is renowned for its durability and strength, it must be protected from excessive moisture. The water gradually delaminates the bone and the product deteriorates.
The bone can also be damaged by strong impacts. This is especially true for rings. If small cracks form on the product, the ring may burst over time.
Decoration made from this material goes very well with clothes in brown, blue and turquoise tones.
Ivory is also unique in that, due to its structure, it absorbs odors well. The owner of the jewelry can give it any desired scent. You just need to “scent” the product with eau de toilette or perfume and for some time the bone will emit your favorite scent.
Healing properties of ivory
Ivory is widely used in lithotherapy. Lithotherapists claim that this material improves blood circulation, restores metabolic processes, affects blood glucose levels, increases the elasticity of muscles and joints, and calms the nervous system.
Ivory is used in the treatment of diseases of the endocrine system, asthma, and also in the treatment of certain viral diseases.