Worldwide 05.10.2016 29.06.2016
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Russian collector sponsored the return of the 17th century icon to Russia
05.10.2016 MOSCOW. Collector of icons Mikhail Abramov sponsored the return to Russia of a valuable 17th-century icon stolen in 1995 from a church in the Yaroslavl Region and recently discovered in a gallery in Venice.

A £ 3 Million Masterpiece Found in Swansea Museum Reserves
03.10.2016 SWONSI. A 17th-century Flemish masterpiece worth about £ 3 million was discovered in the storerooms of the Swansea Museum.

Cologne authorities return Menzel’s drawing purchased in 1939
30.09.2016 KOLN. Cologne authorities said they would hand over a drawing of Adolph von Menzel, bought by art dealer Hildebrand Gurlitt in 1939, to the woman who sold it before escaping from Nazi Germany.

Vincent Van Gogh may have suffered from bipolar disorder
25.09.2016 HAGUE. Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh may have suffered from bipolar disorder and had a borderline personality.

Rijksmuseum opens new paintings by the Dutch master of the Golden Age
23.09.2016 AMSTERDAM. Until recently, only twelve paintings of the seventeenth-century artist Hercules Segers were known (Hercules Segers, 1589 / 90-1633 / 40).

Rembrandt’s four early works are first presented together at an exhibition in Oxford
21.09.2016 OXFORD. Four paintings from a series of five sensory organs, one of which was re-acquired only last year, will be presented together for the first time at the exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology in Oxford.

Alec Baldwin accuses art dealer of fraud
19.09.2016 NEW YORK. The famous Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin appealed to the New York State Supreme Court with a lawsuit against art dealer Mary Boone. The court documents say that in 2010, Boone deceived Baldwin and sold him the wrong picture.
Pictures of the 14-year-old Mini-Monet from Norfolk cost 2 million pounds
14.09.2016 NORFOLK. Like all teenagers, 14-year-old Kieron Williamson likes to kick the ball with his friends after school on the field in his village of Ladem, in Norfolk (East of England). But outside the football field, it is very different from peers. A few years ago, reporters nicknamed Kiron Williamson "Mini-Monet."

A £ 50,000 painting was found on a used-goods site
10.09.2016 BRUSSELS. A painting bought through a used-goods website was identified as the work of Dutch abstract artist Willem de Kooning, lost many years ago. The portrait of the child was purchased by a Belgian couple for 450 euros (about 390 pounds) last year. Now its value is estimated at 50,000 pounds.

The secret of the appearance of a white spot in the picture of Edward Munch’s "Scream" is revealed
07.09.2016 OSLOTo determine the origin of the spot on the version Edward Munch’s Scream (Edvard Munch, The Scream), which was written in 1893 and is now in the collection of the Norway’s National Museum, the researchers used X-ray diffraction. For a long time they thought that the spot was a trace of bird droppings, but it turned out that this was not so.

The artist had to prove in court that he was not the author of the painting, estimated at 10 million US dollars
01.09.2016 CHICAGO. The Scottish artist was sued after he refused to confirm the authenticity of the painting, painted forty years ago and signed by his name.

Lucian Freud is recognized as the author of the picture, despite the rejection of it
27.07.2016 LONDONBBC experts argue that the controversial painting, worth 300,000 pounds, was painted precisely by Lucian Freud, despite the fact that the artist himself denied his authorship throughout his life. Fiona Bruce and art historian Philip Mold, authors of the Fake or Fortune Air Force program, are sure that it was Freud who painted the picture of a man in a black tie.

Nazi-stolen art returned to the Nazis
27.07.2016 MUNICHDecades after World War II, more than 10,000 works of art confiscated by the Nazis in Bavaria, according to official statistics, returned to their rightful owners, including descendants of Jewish families. A new scandalous investigation reveals how families of former Nazis persecuted Bavarian officials in attempts to return the transferred art objects, which they continued to regard as their property.

More than ten thousand stolen artifacts seized from the house of an antique dealer in Bullas
29.06.2016 BULLIAS. The fact that Benito Amor kept archaeological and cultural values at home was revealed back in March.

The German collector refused to cooperate with museums in England because of the country’s exit from the EU
29.06.2016 EDINBURGH. Leading German collector Heiner Pietzsch announced that he would not provide art from his personal collection to museums in England if the country left the European Union. Instead, Pitch is ready to collaborate with museums in Scotland.