Worldwide 06.07.2012 27.06.2012
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Three unusual exhibitions of exceptional artists in Ontario
06.07.2012 Three stellar exhibitions by prominent Canadian and one European artists will be held this summer at the Art Gallery of Hamilton in Ontario.

International Fair BEIRUT ART FAIR
06.07.2012 The BEIRUT ART FAIR annual international contemporary art fair will be held for the third time from July 5 to July 8, 2012 in Beirut, at the Beirut International Exhibition & Leisure Center (BIEL), with the participation of 43 galleries from the Middle East, Europe and North Africa.

An exhibition of portraits of French queens has opened in Versailles
05.07.2012 More than thirty women of the royal family and the French imperial family, who ever lived in the Grand Trianon Palace in Versailles, became the heroines of the exhibition Les Dames de Trianon, which opened yesterday in Paris.

Vienna celebrates Gustave Klimt’s birthday
04.07.2012 In commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Austrian artist Gustav Klimt (1862-1918), considered one of the most influential artists of "Vienna Modernism", a number of museums in Vienna organize specialized exhibitions on the life and work of the author of the famous "Kiss".

Young and Beautiful: The Art of the American Twenties
04.07.2012 The Cleveland Museum of Art presents an unusual exhibition that, for the first time in history, brings together the work of more than sixty painters, sculptors and photographers who have explored a new approach to realism in the years between the First World War and the Great Depression.

Countdown: four weeks to leave a picture of Manet in England
02.07.2012 The Ashmolean Museum (Ashmolean, Oxford) has four weeks left to raise 595,000 pounds and save a portrait of Fanny Klaus (Portrait of Mademoiselle Claus, 1868) by Edouard Manet (1832-1883) for the public in Great Britain.

Dali’s stolen watercolor returned by mail
02.07.2012 The US Postal Service reported that a painting stolen from the Venus Over Manhattan gallery by Salvador Dali was mailed back to New York from Europe.

US court rejects lawsuit against Spanish museum
01.07.2012 A court in the Central District of California (USA) rejected the lawsuit by an American, who demanded the return of a painting by Camille Pissarro at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in MadridAccording to the plaintiff, the painting was stolen from his grandmother back in 1939.

A new look at Munch
30.06.2012 The Tate Gallery in London presents a new glimpse at the work of Edvard Munch (1863-1944), a Norwegian painter and graphic artist.

An exhibition of rare masterpieces by Carl Faberge opened at the Bower Museum
28.06.2012 An exhibition of goldsmiths by the master and legendary jeweler Karl Faberge has opened at the Bowers Museum in California, the ingenious design and meticulous execution of which still amazes and delights millions of people around the world.

Getty save Jackson Pollack’s "Fresco"
28.06.2012 California’s largest Getty Museum and Iowa State Museum of Art will collaborate on preserving Jackson Pollock, Mural.

Artistic concepts of 1960-1980. at the Stuttgart Art Gallery
28.06.2012 The Stuttgart State Gallery (Staatsgalerie Stuttgart) presents an exhibition that contains all the basic art concepts from the sixties to eighties of the last century.

Hermann Goering art collection catalog published on the Internet
27.06.2012 German Historical Museum (Deutsches Historisches Museum) in Berlin published on the Internet archival documents about 4263 works of art from the collection of Hermann Göring (Hermann Göring, 1893-1946), captured by the Reichsmarschall in 1945, after the surrender of Nazi Germany.

In Florence, renewed searches for the remains of a possible model of "Mona Lisa"
27.06.2012 In Florence, in the church of Saint Ursula, on June 29, the search for the remains of Lisa Gherardini del Giocondo (1479-1542), which may have become the model for Mona Lisa (Mona Lisa) at the beginning of the 16th century, resumes., Gioconda, 1503-1519) - the most famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci (Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519), the news agency ANSA reports .

Auguste Rodin’s stolen bust found
27.06.2012 In the city of Montbrison (Montbrison), in the Loire region, the French police discovered a bronze bust of the famous French sculptor Auguste Rodin (Auguste Rodin, 1840-1917), made by Camille Claudel (Camille Claudel, 1864-1943).