The national idea of Russia presented in Venice
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The opening of the 55th Venice Biennale was accompanied by an unusual demonstration of a five-meter sculpture "RUSSIA - TRY THE BEST". After the physical embodiment of the national idea of the country completed its triumphal journey through the canals of the city, anyone could board the “sculpture” and try to turn it over.
The authors of the sculpture were the participants of CF Art Group - an art group formed at the end of 2009. Among the other sensational works of this group is the so-called “Ideal Masterpiece”, a gold bar weighing 12 kilograms, which was exhibited at the Tretyakov Gallery last year. The basis for creating a nontrivial sculpture presented in Venice was the idea of Muscovite Vitaly Saburov, “Russia is a tumbler. Country Vanka-vstanka ”, with which he won the all-Russian contest“ National Idea of Russia ”with the main prize of 300,000 rubles.
In order to present their work, the authors of the sculpture had to rent a whole barge. Traveling through the canals of Venice was not so simple. According to Denis Saunin, CF Art Group artist, in its full growth, the sculpture sailed only under two bridges, the Rialto and the Academy. In other cases, the Russian "tumbler", weighing almost five hundred kilograms, had to be literally bent to the bottom of the barge using special ropes.
The journey of the “national idea” of Russia through the canals of Venice aroused great interest from the audience. According to George Mamin, curator of CF Art Group, there were a lot of people who wanted to take pictures with the sculpture or just stand next to it.
Georgy Mamin spoke about the history of the creation of such an unusual art object, the contest of art concepts “The National Idea of Russia” and the emergence of the new term “Over-Art” in an open press conference held after swimming. “When an artist says that he will buy an art concept from the people, he kills the artist in himself. But this "death" gives rise to many new lives and attracts thousands of ordinary people to art. The artist’s task in this case, according to Mamin, is to choose one worthwhile idea, and based on it to create a real work of art. And that is what will be called “over-art”. ”
After the press conference, anyone could take a picture with a tumbler toy and try to “fill up Russia” with his own hand. The Chinese, French, Americans, a total of more than 200 people decided to fight the sculpture, but nobody managed to defeat it. The sailing of the “national idea” of Russia along the canals of Venice will continue for some time. One of the guests of the event, French Blanche Vazhon, described her impressions in this way: “I can say with confidence that this project is one of the most noticeable and positive in Venice this year. It is not only a bright idea, but also the opportunity for everyone to personally take part in the performance. The Russians are once again proving that they are “children” of a truly great country. ”
Anna Sidorova ©
COMMENTS: 1 Ответы
В данном случае Russia never turn стоит перевести, как Россия никогда не падет... Высказывание о том, что Россия не вернется к прошлому, увы не подходит, о том, что не переворачивалась, таки опять неправда... Посему, остается тупо верить, что не упадет!!!
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