In Berlin supported the action on the burning of paintings
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Nine European artists burned their work in Berlin in protest against the threat of independent art throughout Europe. The reduction of state allocations and the increasing influence of large economic groups, in their opinion, do not bode well for free art.
The paintings were burned at the Tacheles Berlin House of Art, which since 1989 has exhibited about 100 artists working in different disciplines and cultural traditions. The burning of works should pay attention to the fragile situation of two independent art houses - the Museum of Modern Art in Naples is threatened with closure due to a reduction in state subsidies, and Tacheles in Berlin, private investors who bought his building several years ago, still have not managed to get creative people out of there that occupy the building.
“The threat of a network of investors, banks, lawyers and politicians who are not interested in pure art, but who live only to make money, hangs over us. Therefore, we destroyed our art before the market does it, ”said EFE Tacheles spokeswoman Linda Cerna. “Tacheles, as a place to protect the production and presentation of contemporary art, should be an independent and non-profit, public place where artists will move art forward, will be oriented towards people, not the market,” adds Cerna.
“We want the city to buy this place and save it as a place of modern art in Berlin, and not build another shopping center,” explains Barbara Fragogna, artist and curator of Tacheles.
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