Theater of the Russian Army celebrates its 90th anniversary
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February 6, 2020 the Theater of the Russian Army turns 90 years old. They approached the celebration of the anniversary in the Theater thoroughly - on this day the Museum of the Army Theater will open its doors for the first time, the exposition of which has been prepared for almost two years.
A museum is always an attraction to mystery: treasures of knowledge, history, creativity, human genius, dramaturgy. The world of theatrical art is a unique world created by people. Everything that was created in the Army Theater for almost a century, contained a museum hall - plays, drama, acting, light, sound, scenography, props, props - everything that was done by talented people involved in this theater.
Leonty Ozernikov, an artist, a member of the Guild of the Union of Artists, a specialist who participated in major museum projects such as the Pushkin Museum, Gogol Museum, History Museum and many others, was involved in the preparation of the museum exposition.
“In this small museum hall, we have retained the idea of a star - the form of the building of the Army Theater and the symbol of the Army. In the very center of the museum the dressing room dressing table is the idea of transforming a person into a hero. Any actor is made up to play a winner or a loser, a scoundrel or a hero, in love or hate. The hall was made a stage in the form of tectonics of rays, which diverging to the sides, open the stage scenes of the key performances of the theater, like the pages of a book, ”says the artist of the museum Leonty Ozernikov.
The creators tried to reveal the concept of the museum as a performance. The absence of anonymized glass windows, the interactivity, the ability of the museum visitor to get into the holy of holies - stage scenes, clearly selected video content, all this invites you to be an accomplice and empathize with the museum’s dramatic concept.
“The museum reveals three aspects of the theater - the beginning, construction and the book of the future - the 21st century,” says Elena Manshina, head of the historical and memorial hall of the Army Theater. - The complex history of our country is reflected in the faces of the heroes of the performances, in the imaginative design of the scenery and costumes. Each performance literally comes to life in these mythical backstage. "
In addition to the opening of the museum, as part of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the Army Theater, a memorial star is planned for the great actress of the Army Theater Lyubov Dobrzhanskaya. And also the audience will see the premiere of the performance “Drummer” staged by the main director of the Theater Boris Morozov.
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