"Actress from Serov" by Maryam Makhieva. To grow a soul and find yourself real
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ST. PETERSBURG. The premiere of the new film by Maryam Makhieva “Actress from Serov” took place.
The sacramental “Why do people not fly like birds?” Transform Maryam Makhieva’s films into the motivating “you have to fly.” Her characters soar above the ordinary, stubbornly go their own way, fearlessly change the trajectory of their destinies. Some come to creativity, others go in search of the unknown, while others, ignoring physical weakness, retain activity and a taste for life.
For them, there is no once and for all written history, laid among the rows of barbed wire gauge. The settled life, age and experience are not a Procrustean bed, but an overture to dramatic changes. Explores abandoned spaces stalker, traveler, photographer Alice Kampinski. Creates an ivory tower, a shelter for "outsiders" artistic director of the street theater "Wandering Dolls of Mr. Pejo" Anna Shishkina. The first Russian club to engage in wheelchair dancing is opened by the president of the federation in this sport, Paralympic world champion Elena Lozko. By measuring solar neutrino fluxes, scientists from the Baksan neutrino observatory are preparing a revolution in world fundamental physics.
Makhieva made the film "Neutrino and Andyrtau", which received several awards at the international film festival "World of Knowledge", at its own expense. In a way, this is a tribute to her own quest. The victory in the All-Russian Olympiad of educational and creative projects of children and youth "Constellation" for developing the concept of a reactor for the synthesis of light nuclei left no doubt in choosing a future vocation. Thirst for creativity won. Studied at the St. Petersburg University of Cinema and Television in the workshop of Valery Obogrelov, master classes by Alexander Sokurov and Victor De Las Era, cooperation with major television and film companies. In the baggage of the young director - there are already several films that are mature in design and execution of work.
Heinrich Heine regarded creativity as a disease of the soul, comparing it with a pearl, representing the disease of a mollusk. Gogol saw in him the highest of pleasures, Brodsky - a prayer addressed to the Almighty. Shostakovich could not imagine him without impressions, life experience and enthusiasm. Summarizing, Romain Rolland saw in his work the opportunity to break out of the captivity of his body and become who you really are.
The heroine of the new film by Maryam Makhieva “Actress from Serov” Alevtina Nemerova would agree with any of these statements. Economic education, decades of excellent work as chief accountant and IT engineer did not let the pearl that has always lived in it get lost. It’s just time to become yourself and set off on a new trajectory. Acting faculty of the Yekaterinburg Theater Institute, red diploma in literary creation, fairy tales for children, singing on the choir. Apotheosis - an invitation to the role of Ranevskaya in the play of the Serov Drama Theater named after A.P. Chekhov. A 12-minute film is a story about participating in a competition organized by the Light People Theater Center. The main prize is a free place in acting courses with the prospect of reaching the stage of the Northern capital. The heroine sees the meaning of life in growing her soul. She did it brilliantly.
The film was created as part of the Radio Liberty project “Signs of Life”.
Elena Tanakova © Gallerix.ru
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