The piercing wisdom of the film "Father" Camille Ibleev
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PSKOV. The film “Father” won the festival “Kinomania-2016”.
Participation in the festivals and the first victories in them begin for young Pskov filmmakers in their hometown. For the seventh consecutive year, the creative team of the city youth center holds a competition of copyright short films “Kinomania”. This year’s theme, “Youth Frontiers,” is very relevant. The era of change, with its unpredictability and vague prospects, is a test for all. It is especially difficult for the young to separate the grain of truth from the chaff of verbal chatter, to find the right direction where the older generation is completely disoriented. Challenges of the present day are superimposed on standard problems. Not everyone can withstand them, especially adolescents. Evidence of this is the recent tragedy in the village of Strugi Red. A short author’s meter is an opportunity to sound them if not solved.
The competition was attended by the work of creative youth associations: “Seryozhenka” from “WiLD TRASH”, “The Choice is Yours” by Niki Gonchar, “The Social Program” by Anton Ivanov, “Devil” by Artem Konovalov from the student “TV Pskov State University”. At the close of the festival, results were announced in five categories. In “Introverts” Olga Drozdova noted the excellent work of the editor, in the picture of Nicky Gonchar “The choice is yours” - the talent of the operator. “Anran” student of VGIK Nikolay Rybnikov immediately received three prizes - for the best casting, the work of the operator and the script. The performer of one of the roles in "Anran" was the actor of the Pskov Drama Theater named after Pushkin Kamil Ibleev. At Kinomania, he demonstrated not only acting talent. The professional jury and the audience were unanimous in choosing the best picture of the festival. They preferred the directorial debut of Ibleev - the film "Father". For five minutes of screen time, the novice director has time to say the most important. Wisdom without common truths, piercing without anguish. Do not regret the past, but see it in the present. And have time to warm your loved ones with your love.
Elena Tanakova ©
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