World of the Wild West (Westworld), TV series from HBO (2016)
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It is a mistake to think that the novelty from the Hollywood giant HBO refreshes the forgotten Western World movie by Michael Crichton, which at one time inspired the author to create Jurassic Park. The new series “The World of the Wild West” from an interesting picture of 1973 got only an idea, so there can be no remake of it. In addition, if in the original the whole point came down to considering the idea of whether humanoid androids could be considered full-fledged people and whether they would get away with a brutal crime, turning the sight into a darkly bloody thriller, then everything is somewhat different.
The series, with an impressive budget of $ 58 million, is an epic fantasy drama about the same problems, but from a different angle. In the “World” there is less fury and pain, but with an excess of intriguing detective hints, twisty plot twists and offers to reflect together on the complexity of the situation in which the cynical businessmen of the future and their disenfranchised children find themselves. In general, the picture poses a lot of philosophical questions and itself slowly answers them, involving an inquisitive observer in a multilateral intellectual analysis.
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Among other things, the creators of the show did not stint on spectacular special effects, realistic scenery, expertly executed cowboy stunts on horses and a luxurious acting ensemble, inviting many world-famous stars. There is every reason to hope that the next fascinating creation will be able to successfully compete with the most ambitious work of recent years, “Game of Thrones”, not inferior to it in scope and maintaining the traditionally high level of quality offered by the channel.
Saturated exotic lovers who are tired of standard entertainment will have a pleasant surprise in the near future. Engineer Robert Ford came up with the idea to create a unique Wild West World park, offering its wealthy visitors a rare attraction - to feel the harsh customs and meager life of the times when distant great-grandfathers lived.
The park is stylized as a typical American town of the 19th century, familiar from old westerns. It is full of gloomy saloons, there are depraved cabarets with playful girls, a bank and even a strict sheriff. All these costumed characters are not actors hired at all, but realistically made androids. Robots are programmed to behave appropriately, so tourists are met with bloodthirsty cowboys who dream of shooting any unpleasant type. But the strict "laws of robotics" prohibit harming a person, so you don’t have to worry about the consequences, letting your imagination run wild. And there is something to do here: lynch bandits, save the beauties from predatory robbers, protect the townspeople, or, conversely, commit lawlessness with impunity.
However, constant adjustments in the behavior of machines increasingly lead to malfunctions - robots begin to think and feel like people. Some customers notice ever-increasing problems, and while park technicians hastily mask problems, one of the most inquisitive visitors, seizing the moment, hopes to find out the trade secrets of the organizers.
Julia Osipova
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