Nostalgic films about Moscow by Pavel Gnilorybov
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MOSCOW. The premiere of the film by Pavel Gniloryrybov about pre-revolutionary Moscow villages and the beginning of work on a new picture with the participation of actor and musician Sergei Pakhomov.
Pavel Gnilorybov is a graduate of the history faculty of Moscow State University, a local historian, city defender, journalist, author of books and guides in the capital, a specialist in historical urban studies. His tours of the capital are very popular. Among the dozens of routes he proposed were Moscow Varlam Shalamov, Sokolniki: park stories of the gallant century, Ivanovskaya Gorka and Khitrovka, Moscow criminal: the beginning of the century. The city in its “interpretation”, free of postcard, glossy stereotypes, allows you to open the doors overgrown with weeds, slightly jammed and rusted from our lack of curiosity, behind which secrets and paradoxical discoveries await.
The average meter "Big Village Moscow" is dedicated to pre-revolutionary villages, which, growing, preparing for the Olympics-80 and other fateful events, attracted to their area, and then devoured an indifferent metropolis. The remaining are kept from the last forces surrounded by multi-storey monsters. Gniloryrybov’s film returns to its origins, recalling the lost need to save the rest and find compromise ways for the stone jungle and the last outposts of rural Moscow to coexist.
The future short film “Kurlyk Soul” is the thoughts and memoirs of the avant-garde artist, psychic, musician Sergei Pakhomov about the capital of his childhood and youth. The candidacy of "Grandfather Pakhom" as a city chronicler fits perfectly into the film of Hnilorybov. They will certainly turn out to be like-minded people in a conversation about their beloved city, in the ability not to operate with phrases that have been erased from time to time, and to conduct a sincere and lively dialogue with the audience. Independent and not indifferent historian, writer and Muscovite Pavel Gnilorybov. And Sergey Pakhomov is a psychic, designer, a talented artist actively exhibiting abroad, an actor of underground films, and in the recent past, art director of several well-known glossy magazines.
Elena Tanakova ©
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