"Rebalda" - deja vu of the Solovetsky archipelago. Barbed wire algae
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ST. PETERSBURG. At a meeting of the cinema club in the cinema center "Rodina", the screening of the film by Elena Otrepieva "Rebald" was held.
Otrepieva’s documentary about the life of a small village on the White Sea is a participant and winner of many film festivals: in Ljubljana, Yekaterinburg, Saratov, Moscow. At the VI Ecological Film Festival (BEFF), which ended in early May, Rebalda received the prize of young journalists and was recognized as the best debut. Otrepieva’s author’s program, shown on May 18 as part of traditional environments, allowed this interesting work to be demonstrated not only to the sophisticated festival audience.
The idea of the picture was born on Solovki in the village of ten yards of Rebald. Those who come here to harvest algae, used to make confectionery, medicines and creams, are not interested in the surrounding beauties. Harsh life, exhausting work, antediluvian tools: dredge and Japanese cabea with three prongs. Hanging on the barbed wire kelp, former prisoners hired by the algae plant - the inevitable deja vu of these places, the personification of the past and present.
The film crew knew firsthand about the hardships of life on an island deprived of the benefits of civilization. But neither Spartan conditions, nor the lack of electricity and the negative attitude to strangers from the side of the local authorities did not stop Otrepyeva from completing this difficult, but iconic film in her directorial biography.
Elena Tanakova © Gallerix.ru
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