The film "Hero" awarded at the charity film festival in Monaco
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The 11th Annual Charity Film Festival in Monaco is officially completed. Of the 30 paintings, laureates from around the world, the jury specifically noted the Russian military-historical drama "Hero".
During the year, the jury of the festival reviewed hundreds of works and determined by voting the top 30 laureate paintings from France, the UK, Russia, the USA, Germany, Austria, South Africa, China and Thailand. Russia this time presented the military-historical drama "Hero". This film entered the three leaders of the festival and immediately received three awards: "Best Director", "Best Actor" and "Best Producer".
- We, creating the “Hero”, wanted to combine history and modernity, to enable the viewer to learn about the events of a hundred years ago. The film describes the events, a century of which will soon be celebrated in Russia: the First World War, the Civil War, "Ice Campaign". It seemed to us that it would be right to tell today about that time, about that generation of people. Pay tribute to the heroes of Russia, officers and soldiers whose fate was affected by this war. And, of course, it is very joyful that the picture resonated with the European audience - the producer of the picture, Natalia Doroshkevich, shared.
The all-Russian premiere of the feature film "Hero" took place on March 31, 2016. The film was shot with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Russian Military Historical Society.
Festival President - Vicente Andreas Zaragoza, Russian TV presenter and actress Darina Griboedova, Romanian film actress Lia Popescu, young dancer from Omsk - Sophie Safronov, Philippine singer Kira Teneso and guests of the event
Traditionally, the Monaco Charity Film Festival brings together many friends from around the world to promote charity events in favor of orphans and to assist in the production of film projects. Cinema, art, ballet, high fashion and music traditionally meet every year in May on the Cote d’Azur for a good cause. All collected funds from the auction this year will traditionally go to the construction of shelters and rehabilitation centers for orphans.
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Монако – это самостоятельное государство!
Фильм "Герой" получил 3 Диплома. В том числе "лучшему режиссеру"
Основателя фестиваля зовут Vicente Andreas Zaragoza.
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Уважаемая Маргарита! Никто не спорит с тем, что Монако самостоятельное государство и с тем, что фильм был отмечен, а вот имя основателя соответствует информации на официальном сайте, проверьте пожалуйста: Vicente-Andres Zaragoza
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