At the Russian-Italian film festival RIFF, the screening of the film Federico Ferrone and Michele Manzolini "The train goes to Moscow"
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SARATOV. The journey of enchanted wanderers from Italy to Russia.
The 1957 Festival of Youth and Students turned out to be a breath of freedom that was vital for a country that won a bloody war, but was crippled by years of repression. Where the wrong origin, careless utterance and anecdote were paid with freedom or life, the opportunity appeared to calmly communicate with foreigners. Without humiliating exams confirming reliability and knowledge in the history of the communist parties of different countries to the seventh generation. The holiday of a short thaw brought back many forbidden books, allowed to hear new music, get acquainted with the latest in Western fashion. To many young people in the USSR, he opened the door to the big world, which after a short time slammed shut.
The documentary The Train to Moscow: A Journey to Utopia (in Russian: “The train travels to Moscow. Journey to Utopia”) Federico Ferrone and Michele Manzolini is a story of unfulfilled expectations. Through the efforts of the charismatic leader Palmiro Tolyatti, the Communist Party of Italy has become one of the largest political organizations in the country, possessing real power and authority. An amateur film captured the company of young Italian Communists from the small town of Alfonsine in the Emilia-Romagna region, who took a trip to the country that enchanted them in absentia. The pictures show not only enthusiastic crowds of people, festivities and fireworks, but also timid attempts to peek behind the front screen. Seen and to the best of their ability, the footage turned out to be a disappointment for travelers, which they tried to share with their compatriots after returning to their homeland. But there was no one to listen to them. The authority of Togliatti was too great. He passed away in 1964 while in Artek, and in two months Khrushchev will be removed from his post.
Elena Tanakova ©
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