Russia continues to make films that can be proud of
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BERLIN. Films of Daniil Zinchenko and Mikhail Mestetsky will take part in the Berlin Film Festival.
The philosophical tale "Elixir" of the young director Zinchenko, included in the program "Forum", and the crazy "Rag Union" of Mestetsky, who appeared in the Generation 14plus category, sweetened the bitter pill of non-participation in the main competition. “Forum” is an excellent platform for high-profile debuts, experiments and avant-garde, in “14+” current teenage movies are presented.
"Elixir", starring in the swampy forest of the Tver region with the disinterested participation of local residents, is dedicated to creating a magical potion that helps make life eternal. The avant-garde phantasmagoria, in which characters are involved that are disparate in ordinary life, reflects the enthusiasm of the director and a group of like-minded people from the UP! Association by the ideas of cosmism. These include the need for continuous improvement of the human mind, the achievement of planetary consciousness and the fight against barbarism in relation to nature or the spiritualized noosphere.
The ironic tape of Mikhail Mestetsky “Rag Union” has already managed not only to visit the Kinotavr and Doomsday festivals (President Alla Surikova), but also to win awards at each of them. The script for it was created over 8 years. An unusual plot, easy humor, an abundance of tricks, an interesting visual concept and excellent sound increase the chances of the picture getting attention from the audience and the jury of the festival.
In Mestetsky’s luggage is the script for Legend No. 17, for which he was awarded the Golden Eagle, the Shanghai Grand Prix for “Minor Details of a Random Episode”, the wonderful short film “Feet-Atavism”, the creation of the musical group “Shklovsky ".
“Rag legend” embodies the ideal format for translating the author’s intention, which Mestetskiy always aspired to. Talk about serious problems in an accessible language with an interesting video sequence and good actors, whose sincerity you believe.
Elena Tanakova ©
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