In Moscow, a memorial plaque was opened to actor Evgeny Vesnik
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In the framework of the Year of Russian Cinema, a grand opening of the memorial plaque to People’s Artist of the USSR Yevgeny Vesnik took place today in Moscow. The memorial sign appeared at Kudrinskaya Square, Building 1, where he lived and worked from 1990 to 2009.
The plaque was created by sculptor Andrei Korobtsov and architect Konstantin Fomin in honor of the birthday of Yevgeny Vesnik. Earlier, the chairman of the Union of Cinematographers Nikita Mikhalkov and the art director of the Maly Theater Yury Solomin addressed with a request to perpetuate the memory of the legendary actor the Chairman of the RVIO, the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky .
- Today is really a memorable day. We open a memorial plaque on the house where a wonderful person lived for almost 20 years. When Yuri Mefodevich and Nikita Sergeyevich turned to us on behalf of the Maly Theater and filmmakers, we immediately addressed this issue. Because Yevgeny Yakovlevich Vesnik is not only a wonderful actor, author of many books, a teacher, plus he is a military officer who went through the entire war as an artillery platoon commander of the first guards artillery brigade, who was awarded many military orders and awards. Therefore, the Russian military-historical society tried to install the board as quickly as possible, ”said the Chairman of the RVIO, the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky
Relatives of Yevgeny Vesnik spoke a lot about preserving the memory that day, who did not expect that the memorial plaque would appear so quickly.
- It turns out to be so difficult to preserve the memory and give it to the audience, even actors, writers, directors. If it weren’t for Nikita Mikhalkov and the Minister of Culture standing here, then, probably, he would have to wait a long time. Memory is the most important thing, and today this question is serious. And it is wonderful that today there are many middle-aged people, young people. He was a wonderful artist, an amazingly kind person, lively until the very last day. Despite all the vicissitudes of his fate, he never complained and never asked anyone for anything, ”said Yuri Solomin, People’s Artist of the USSR, artistic director of the Maly Theater.
- We have been punching this question for a long time, until we turned to Nikita Sergeyevich Mikhalkov and Vladimir Rostislavovich Medinsky, nothing was done. And I really wanted to see this board during my lifetime. And it’s good that there were people who have a good heart and respond to our request. And thanks to all the friends who gathered today. And Zhenya was very picky in friends, he often said “I write them in my soul,” said the widow of the actor Nonna Gavrilovna Vesnik .
Despite the frost, at the opening ceremony of the memorial sign, in addition to the friends of Yevgeny Yakovlevich, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, actors of the Maly Theater, Muscovites and guests of the capital gathered.
“I want to thank everyone who came and be happy for Nonna Gavrilovna, the most beautiful woman who the God of life will let her go, to walk past her favorite image and be glad that her memory is preserved, ” said Nikita Mikhalkov, Chairman of the Union of Cinematographers.
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