The play by Slavomir Mrozhek "On the high seas" was presented to the audience of Sergiev Posad
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SERGIEV POSAD. Thanks to a grant received by a young actor Valentin Suntsov, who works in the troupe of the Theater Ark, the theatergoers of Sergiev-Posad saw the premiere on December 4th. Viewers saw the staging of the play by Slavomir Mrozhek “On the High Seas”.
The grant was allocated by the Ministry of Culture to financially support the production of this particular play. On stage, Mrozhek’s play was embodied by Valentin Suntsov, who applied for a grant and won it. Valentin Suntsov acting experience is already solid, but in directing, he takes only the first steps, getting a director’s education at the Institute. Schukin.
In Sergiev-Posad, a grant for staging the performance was received for the first time, and the amount by the local standards is substantial -360 thousand. Before the performance, Valentin Sivtsov met with reporters who asked questions not only about the premiere performance, but also the system of creative grants in Russian realities.
It turned out that a third of the allocated amount went to taxes, that is, in fact, the theater received 240 thousand. Although this turned out to be enough to invite professional artists and artists to the team of the “Theater Ark”. Enough for the creation of scenery, and for sewing costumes for the participants of the play.
The main question of journalists concerned the choice of a play for production. Valentine replied that a modern play was needed with a small number of characters, without complex scenery. Mrozhek’s play was fully consistent with these conditions. Mrozhek is also interesting as an author.
Although the playwright touches on very specific things, he does not teach to live, but only offers to think. His texts are filled with absurdity, but with his help obvious truths become clearer. In the big words that sound in the speech of the characters of the play, a simple thought is hidden.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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