3 cliches that Hollywood urgently needs to get rid of
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Creating a believable and deep image is not easy. Spectators do not expect that in each tape characters that are memorable for decades will be presented in front of them, because special effects and chases will play a significant role in success. But this does not mean that you can not work through the characters, but transfer templates from one tape to another. Ask the editor The Cinema , what hackneyed tricks do you need to get rid of?
1. Lack of fear of death
It is worth recalling the scene from the Jurassic World, where two children jump into a waterfall to escape from a dinosaur attacking. Climbing to the shore, they look at each other and chuckle, although it is difficult to imagine a child who would react in a similar way to the attack of a prehistoric monster. In the 1993 Spielberg film, Lexi and Tim also exchanged a pair of smiles, but the screenwriters tried to show how the children surrounded by dinosaurs would behave.
A vivid example of critics consider Kyle Reese from "Terminator". In the 1984 film, he is a frightened young man suffering from post-traumatic syndrome. He spent his childhood and youth at the epicenter of the war between people and cyborgs, so it is difficult to expect that Reese will be a model of physical and psychological health.
Alas, the scriptwriters who worked on the last tape, think differently. Kyle turned into a pumped up supermodel and surprisingly quickly put up with the presence of the cyborg, which should be the embodiment of his nightmares. Sarah Connor is also not far behind, transferring from the 80s in 2017 and not showing surprise when she saw how the world has changed. Such trifles explain why the first franchise tapes became cinema classics, and “Terminator: Genesis” only put together a good box office.
2. Cool female characters who do nothing
The desire to show that women are able to actively participate in events deserves praise. But from the 80s and 90s, filmmakers seemed to have forgotten how to translate ideas into reality!
It may seem that independent women appear on the screens regularly: Trinity, Tauriel, Gamora… But they do nothing, unless they look menacingly at the enemies.
The role of Tauriel in the last part boils down to providing the dwarf with the opportunity to save the girl in trouble, and Gamora initially either gets angry with Peter or is waiting for his help.
Even Trinity in the final part of the franchise serves as Neo’s personal driver. Remember Ripley, defeating the aliens uterus with a forklift, or Sarah Connor, ready to punish the scientist to avoid the Apocalypse. Against this background, the achievements of the girls from The Matrix are modest.
3. Too much is due to “purpose”
When the producers decided to guarantee the audience’s attention, they set about restarting the old franchises. The calculation turned out to be correct, but there are also difficulties - you have to show how familiar characters meet in other circumstances. It would be interesting to observe this if the scriptwriters did not begin to explain everything by the will of fate.
Initially, the proximity of Sarah Connor with Reese was the result of fear and desire for human warmth, rather than great love. In those circumstances, it was not required, but in “Terminator: Genesis” the characters penetrate each other with feelings without any explanation. And this is not the only example of a weak scenario.
There is no motive in restarting the Star Trek franchise for a disciplined and restrained Spock to make friends with a fraud-prone cadet, in the image of which the future captain Kirk appears. The only reason for establishing contact between them is the intervention of Mr. Spock from another Universe talking about Fate. What was organic in the original work in the new one looks pathetic. After all, what is the likelihood that young Kirk will be on the same planet as old Spock?
Of course, the flaws do not prevent viewers from enjoying the viewing experience. For example, "Jurassic World" naturally entered the top three highest-grossing films, but with a more thoughtful scenario, it would have become even better!
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