The Golden Mask festival in St. Petersburg was opened by artists of the Musical Theater named after Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko
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ST. PETERSBURG. On Monday, December 8th, ballet fans saw an evening of performances staged by the world’s largest choreographer, Jiri Kilian. Four ballets assembled in one program were presented to the audience by artists of the Moscow Theater. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko under the title - "Evening of the ballets of Jiri Kilian."
On the New, recently opened stage of the Mariinsky Theater, viewers were shown ballets staged over three seasons - “Little Death”, “Six Dances”, “Wax Wings” and “Insomnia”. Petersburg residents got this unique opportunity to get acquainted with the choreographic language of the famous master of choreography thanks to the Golden Mask festival that opened on that day.
Maria Revyakina, the general director of the festival, talking with reporters, noted that the friendship of St. Petersburg and the Golden Mask has been going on for two decades. Without such close and fruitful cooperation, the opening of this forum could not have taken place. Over the years, Petersburg theaters have won 160 Golden Mask awards in various nominations.
The next festival evening will be held at the Mikhailovsky Theater. Actors of the Perm Opera House on December 9 will show the production of the opera Cosi fan tutte. Then the relay race will go to drama theaters. On the stage of the BDT, the audience will be presented with the “Kind Man from Cezuan” performed by the artists of the Moscow Theater. Pushkin. It will be shown twice - on December 10 and 11.
The Vakhtangov artists will complete the festival performances. They brought "Eugene Onegin" directed by Rimas Tuminas. St. Petersburg theater-goers have already managed to see this talented work of the director, however, the performance on the historical stage of Alexandrinsky may become even more interesting.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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Исправьте, пожалуйста, заголовок! "Фестиваль “Золотая маска” в Санкт-Петербурге открылся артисты музыкального театра им. Станиславского" – неужели никто не видит, что здесь написано??? "Открылся артисты"??? И театр вообще-то называется "Музыкальный театр им. Станиславского и Немировича-Данченко"!
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