The film festival "Radiant Angel-2014" has started in Moscow
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MOSCOW. During the school holidays in Moscow for the 11th time the International festival of "good" films "Radiant Angel" is held. In the cinema "October", located on New Arbat these days, a full house is expected. Viewers will be shown pictures from 26 countries, including from Ukraine, France, Armenia, Switzerland, Spain, Finland and others. The competition program included 83 short and full-length, animated and documentary works.
As the head of the Directorate for Culture of the Foundation for Socio-Cultural Initiatives, Alexander Mikhaylichenko, said at a press conference held ahead of the show, "these numbers are very encouraging." “If earlier it was necessary to look for pictures of good content, then at the 11th festival most of the paintings were provided by copyright holders,” he said. Mykhaylichenko is confident that such figures are an indicator that "people in the film industry themselves missed the good movie."
This year, the jury was composed of professionals, mostly famous directors, these are Andrey Osipov, Gleb Panfilov, Frangiz Kurbanov and Nikolai Denisov, as well as Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy Archpriest Vladislav Tsypin, member of the Patriarchal Council for Culture Archpriest Vladimir Vigilyansky and teacher of the Orthodox Holy Tikhon University Archpriest Andrei Bliznyuk.
Demonstrations will be held until November 7, then the winners will be announced at the closing ceremony, and the creators of the picture, which will be recognized as the best, will be awarded a cash prize of 1 million rubles. Prizes and awards at the cinema stage will be awarded to the laureates by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill and the head of the Fund for Socio-Cultural Initiatives, the wife of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Svetlana Medvedeva. The annual Radiant Angel festival is held under her personal patronage.
Svetlana Korableva ©
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