The Operetta Theater in Moscow will present the premiere of the musical "Air" Automatic translate
MOSCOW. The Operetta Theater, one of the first in the new season, invited viewers to plunge into the world of music and dance. Operetta fans are expected at the theater on August 22. They will visit the “Ball in Savoy” - a performance filled with beautiful melodies, incendiary rhythms of dancing. The plot of this wonderful operetta is full of unexpected events, and the main place in it is love.
In the upcoming season, the theater team will present several premieres to music lovers, one of which is almost ready, since the artists began working on the musical last season. The musical "Jane Air", based on the favorite novel of several generations of readers, will not be able to leave the audience indifferent.
The story, described by the English writer Charlotte Bronte, made us empathize with the heroes of the book, admire the girl who worthily went through many trials, and then rejoice with her new happiness. Thanks to the artists of the Operetta Theater, viewers will be able to see the musical version of this touching love story. The premiere will take place on September 12th.
The next premiere will be presented to the public in February. The director Joan Gerder is working on this unique project. By the anniversary of the famous composer Isaac Dunaevsky, his music will return to the stage of the theater. Jeanne Gerder wrote the musical libretto based on melodies created by Dunaevsky for operettas and movies.
Melodies of popular songs written by the composer will also be used. Once the famous operettas of Dunaevsky lost relevance, so the new musical will become the story of the shooting of the famous "Jolly Fellows".
The theater also plans to return two classical operettas to the stage - the audience will again see the performances “The Bat” and “Violet of Montmartre”.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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