In the capital’s Sakharov Center presented a sketch of a play about Mandelstam
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MOSCOW. A sketch of the play about the last years of the life of the famous poet Osip Mandelstam was shown in the capital’s Sakharov Center on January 29th. The production, whose name became the famous lines of the poet’s poem about the “Kremlin Highlander”, was created according to the diaries of the widow of Mandelstam. Nadezhda Yakovlevna, creating her memoirs, wrote that it was impossible to die without telling about the person who lived next to her, about the people whom she knew close - those who survived and died.
This production was created in the framework of the theater laboratory, held in the Sakharov Center - “Documentary Theater and Historical Memory”. Work on a future performance, the real premiere of which is scheduled for the end of February, was begun in the fall. The director of the performance is Evgeny Shlyapin, a graduate of the workshop of Vladimir Andreev, a teacher at the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
The performance, where only two actors are present on the stage, will show the life events of Osip Emilievich Mandelstam that took place with him since 1934, when the poet was arrested for the first time, and until 1938, which became the last year of his life. The sketch of the performance was presented to the audience by RATI graduates, young artists Elena Lipskaya and Evgeny Shlyapin, who combined the work of the actor with the direction of the performance.
In an interview with media representatives, the curator of the theatrical project Mikhail Kaluzhsky noted that this performance is a dedication to a certain era, but at the same time it determines the place of the person who has become a landmark in history. This is not just a story about events that took place at a specified time, but the drama of a man who came into conflict with history.
After the end of the show, fragments of the performance, a meeting with which fans of Mandelstam’s work is still ahead, a traditional discussion of the production with the audience took place.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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