Watching the solo performance of Alexander Filippenko, the rain did not become an obstacle
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ST. PETERSBURG. Residents of St. Petersburg on August 1 got the opportunity to completely meet with People’s Artist of Russia Alexander Filippenko. For this it was necessary to come to a concert venue in New Holland and enjoy the unique performance, beloved by many artists, of the solo performance “Laughter of the Fathers”, dedicated to Soviet satirical works.
The performance is based on the prose of Nikolai Erdman, Sergey Dovlatov and Alexei Koltsov. These authors so accurately described the time in which they lived, that listening to or reading their works, you can feel like living next to them. These works are filled with bitter irony, but at the same time invariably cause a smile. Brilliant writers offer to see the world through their eyes.
The quality of the material selected for the one-man show is excellent. The audience heard wonderful, and to this day, modern fables by Nikolai Erdman, satirical pieces written by Mikhail Koltsov. From the prose of the outstanding writer Sergei Dovlatov, the artist included tests from the writer’s notebooks into the program of the performance. In addition, the story “Presentation” was included, included in the collection “Zone”. In the life of each of these writers there were difficult events, but they managed to preserve the ability to perceive the reality surrounding them with a sense of humor.
The presence of an excellent sense of humor is also inherent in the performer of the works of Soviet satirists - Alexander Filippenko, because it was not without reason that in his youth he was a constant participant in the performances of KVN. Many of the spectators visited a similar performance of the artist last year, and came again to meet him. The performance could not be prevented even by not very good weather - the “auditorium” was completely filled with spectators, even despite a noticeable rain.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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