New version of Krechinsky’s Weddings at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater
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The Moscow Art Theater named after Chekhov on December 11 invited spectators to a pre-premiere show of the play staged by the young director from Latvia Viesturs Meishkans, who presented the performance “Krechinsky’s Wedding” to the public.
This is the first performance from a series of productions based on the works of Sukhovo-Kobylin, the direction of which Oleg Tabakov proposed to Meishkans. The proposal came immediately after the performance "Karenin", staged last season by the Latvian director in Moscow, and which aroused great interest among theater-goers. According to Meishkans, the premiere of the performance “Case” can be expected in March, and “Dare Tarelkin” - in June.
In the version of director Viesturs Meishkans, “Krechinsky’s Wedding” has turned from a comedy into a detective story, in which the focus is not on the main character, but on the situation in which the crime is committed. The performance is deprived of the time, the age of its heroes is changed, but each word of the text of the play remains in its place without the slightest change.
For the performance of the performance, made by Rainis Sukhanovs, who created the scenery, and Anna Heinrichson, who worked with the costumes, all the technical capabilities of the Moscow Art Theater’s Stage were used. The performance begins in a cozy room owned by Muromsky, but after half the first act she goes down under the stage.
Krechinsky’s house rises in its place, furnished with awkwardly huge objects, among which people are lost, allowing viewers to fantasize about the design of the performance. Krechinsky character reminds a modern businessman, to whom an extraordinary mind allows you to calculate the situation in advance.
According to Meishkans, he enjoys working with Russian classics, which gives the director the freedom to translate creative ideas.
Ludmila Trautmane
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