Violin. The art of living an immortal instrument
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The biography of Her Majesty Violin is covered with numerous fantasies and legends, and quite often, it is difficult to distinguish them from the truth. One thing is for sure - this amazing instrument is not in vain surrounded by an aura of mystery and worldwide fame.
Today, the Belcanto Foundation ) ) helps to listen to the real classical sound of the violin, which organizes concerts of classical music in Moscow, but its history began at the end of the seventeenth century, when the talented Italian G. Bartolotti decided make musical instruments.
They looked very much like modern violins. It was the Bartolotti instrument that was recognized as the standard of the classical violin. After a while, this unique instrument began to be made by Glenn’s students. Among them, such masters as P. Magini, Amati, Guarneri and the well-known Stradivari were especially famous. Each of these masters had his own "handwriting", but it was together that these people laid the foundation for several world-famous "schools" of violin masters, who brought its form to perfection and made the instrument even more sophisticated.
The violin began its journey as an instrument of the people. She sounded at fairs, in taverns and at festivals. Its sound, so strong, deep and rich, surprisingly contributed to the immersion of listeners into the depths of secret human emotions and feelings. It quickly "pulled" to the surface, in the blink of an eye, changing the musical mood.
Great violinists amazed the audience with their unprecedented playing, showed the beauty and richness of this perfect instrument. It is thanks to their efforts that this instrument has rightfully received a worthy title of the Queen of Music. In the 17th century, the brilliant Niccolo Paganini occupied an honorable place among such virtuoso violinists. He was so talented that many claimed that the musician sold his soul to the devil in exchange for skill.
But it is not enough to know the history of the violin and its main representatives in order to understand all the subtleties of the musical art that it personifies. First you need to understand some technical details. For example, practice shows that one of the most important points is the correct position of the violin in your hands. Therefore, when you hold this exquisite Queen with your left hand, delicately and tenderly, at the same time, confidently hold it with your right hand from below, by the button.
Once you are finished playing, carefully place the violin in the case. But do not forget to carefully wipe the surface of this mysterious instrument from rosin with a soft cloth, as rosin has a bad habit of crumbling from a thin bow during play. When performing such a responsible procedure, try not to touch the exquisite surface of the violin with your fingers, so as not to contaminate this musical diamond. Also, be extremely careful when tuning the sensitive strings of your magic violin. After all, the slightest carelessness can lead to sad consequences: the violin will be irrevocably ruined. Do not allow yourself to take life away from a beautiful and exquisite instrument, which many centuries ago was destined to know immortality!
Over the centuries, the incomparable Violin has brought new bright colors to the everyday and gloomy life of mankind. And now, as in the 16th century, the sound of this magical, exquisite and such a mysterious musical instrument helps millions of people from all over the world to find peace of mind and an unanalyzed calmness, to raise a seemingly hopelessly fallen mood, to throw out the deepest feelings and thoughts. soul, forget about life worries. You just make sure that the violin is the most graceful of all instruments, and its music is the closest to a person and his soul. Listen and enjoy.
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