Interactive "Game without rules" by Andrey Korobeinikov
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MOSCOW. In Gnesinka, the first concert of the piano cycle "Game without rules" was held with the participation of Andrei Korobeinikov.
The idea of the piano cycle "Game without rules" surprisingly coincided with the individuality of each of the characters. Andrey Korobeinikov, Eduard Kunts, Luca Debarg are the triumphs of the main music competition in Russia, which were left without awards. First, the audience listening to each passage, breathing in unison with the performer, is growing from crowd to tour by a crowd of fans. And after that - a deja vu named after Tchaikovsky, comprehending obvious favorites. As a result, others end up on the podium.
Debarg was a little luckier. The jury could not ignore the enthusiasm of the public, brought to a trance by Mozart and Ravel, and allocated the French nugget fourth place. Kunts and Korobeinikov were left without a final. Konstantin Livshits, the fourth participant in the project, simply did not have time for competitions. Intensive concert activity, which began even within the walls of the Gnesins’ school, continues to this day, without requiring additional recharge in the form of competitive PR. Shortly after graduation, Bach’s Goldberg Variations recorded by him at DENON Nippon Columbia received a Grammy nomination and an ECHO award from the German Academy of Sound Recording.
The first evening of the cycle, at which the sonatas of Chopin and Liszt, as well as Variations of Rachmaninov sounded, was dedicated to the work of Andrei Korobeinikov. The audience got a rare opportunity to ask the performer their questions. In the wording, which got in the way of the pianist in the finale, there were words about the overly free manner of the game, despite its impeccability. There were plenty of games against the rules in his life. Predictions of a “good” teacher from the Central School of Arts regarding the ten-year-old Korobeynikov’s lack of chances of entering the conservatory did not come true. Two years later, he prematurely completed school. Received a law degree at the University of Law. At the age of 19, he graduated from the conservatory, then - the graduate school of Royal College of Music, while simultaneously studying at the graduate school of Moscow State University. Lifetime member of the Academy of Sciences of San Marino, winner of numerous competitions, Esperantist, legal expert, he continues to do so. what really matters to him. Create according to your own rules, guided only by your own intuition, inspiration and understanding of music.
Elena Tanakova ©
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