Mezzo-soprano without somersaults and aspen waist. Jamie Barton’s first visit to Russia
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MOSCOW. In the Tchaikovsky Hall, American singer Jamie Barton met with the Russian public.
There are not so many holders of luxurious mezzo-sopranos who can put a colony of goosebumps on your skin or press in awe in a theater chair. Despite the tendency of the last decades - to bring the dimensions of opera stars to ballet standards, the voice is still the main advantage of Homo Cantans (a singing person) performing on the stage. The lack of asthenic physique and the ability to do tricks becomes insignificant if a deep and beautiful voice of great strength and range sounds from the stage. That is why the corpulence of Jamie Barton in a few minutes is perceived as a virtue that allows her to enjoy her singing due to the powerful potential granted to her by nature.
The winner of the Richard Tucker Award, winner of the Singer of the World Competition, the Grammy nominee for the strength of the most complicated opera repertoire. The program of the Moscow concert included Jamie’s favorite music: arias from the works of the main opera hitmakers - Bellini, Donizetti, Verdi, Tom, Berlioz. The Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, led by Briton David Perry, winner of the Laurence Olivier Award, adequately accompanied the singing of Barton.
Elena Tanakova ©
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