There are no Russians in the finals of the Sibelius Young Violin Competition
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HELSINKI. The list of finalists of the XI International Violin Competition named after Jan Sibelius
The XI Sibelius Violin Competition for Young Violinists, which began on November 22, takes place in the double anniversary year. It marks 150 years of the composer himself and half a century since the founding of the international competition itself. The whole life of Jan Sibelius, a Swede by birth, was connected with Finland. where they honor his memory, popularize his work, festivals, streets and parks are named after him. The Music Institute (now the Academy), where he transferred from the law faculty of the university, now also bears his name. The program of events for the anniversary includes concerts, seminars, exhibitions, thematic excursions for tourists. The love of nature of the composer, who devoted several piano works to trees growing in Finland, received an unexpected embodiment. On the island of Seurasaari, in 8 metropolitan parks and the arboretum, some trees are attached signs with a QR code. When it is scanned in a tablet or smartphone, files with melodies dedicated to a particular tree open. The competition, held in Finland every 5 years, allows you to identify the most talented violinists who have not reached the age of 30 years. He becomes the springboard, guaranteeing the inevitable career rise of the young musician. Soviet and then Russian musicians took part in a prestigious competition with constant success. The first competition in 1965 brought victory to the brilliant violinist Oleg Kagan. Subsequently, Liana Isakadze, Pavel Kogan, Victoria Mullova, Ilya Kaler became triumphs. The previous competition in 2010 was successful for Nikita Borisoglebsky, whose creative biography is a series of victories, cooperation with the best orchestras and composers, and a complicated repertoire. Six Russians overcame the selection screen for participation in the current competition: Marina Grauman, Anna Savkina, Stepan Lavrov, Tikhon Lukyanenko, Lev Solodovnikov, Elena Tarosyan. None of these names were included in the semifinal shortlist. This is unlikely to indicate the degradation of the Russian violin school. The reason is to look in a slightly different plane. The finalists were three violinists from the USA, as well as one musician from Japan, Austria and Germany. About who will become the winner of the anniversary competition will be announced on December 3.
Elena Tanakova ©
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