Edison Denisov Music Forum in Tomsk. In memory of who always remained himself
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TOMSK. 10.10.2015 the festival named after Edison Denisov opened. Return to hometown
It is no coincidence that the Siberian city was honored with such an honor. Tomsk is Denisov’s hometown in which he spent the first 20 years of his life. Competitions are held, a college of music bears his name, innovative works find a sincere and warm welcome. The halls will be full now. Until November 6, on the stage of the Tomsk Philharmonic, one can see famous symphony and choral groups, performances by popular solo artists.
The musical education of “Mozart of the 20th century”, as he was called, began only at 12, he could master the clarinet, guitar and mandolin without any help. The gamma or football dilemma did not exist. Edison could become an excellent physicist, like his father, the founder of Tomsk broadcasting. At the same time he entered the mechmath and the music school, he decided on a vocation thanks to Shostakovich, who approved his compositions. Although the teachers at the university predicted him a brilliant career as a scientist with all the ensuing candidate, doctoral and Nobel.
Go your own way, do not adapt to generally accepted and therefore safe standards, look for your own musical language. Such principles under a totalitarian regime inevitably lead to dissidentism. Denisov, Gubaidulina, Kneifel, Schnittke, Pärt and their innovative music did not correspond to the concepts of art officials. Their work indulged in ostracism, was not allowed in concert halls, was considered ideologically unacceptable. The creation of music for films and theatrical productions, including for Lyubov’s Taganka, made it possible to survive in a country that rejected his work. Popularity in the West was like a red rag for party bosses. Recognition in the homeland with titles, regalia and good reviews from critics dates back to the 90th.
The tragedy that undermined Denisov’s health occurred in 1994. Even a long rehabilitation in France did not help recover completely after a terrible car accident. Two years later, Edison Vasilyevich was gone. The country realized the true scale of Tomsk genius quite recently.
Elena Tanakova © Gallerix.ru
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