Poetic anthologies, two-volume Genius and an adventure novel about Lenin among the winners of the Big Book
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MOSCOW. The Helikon-Opera announces the winners of the Book of the Year contest.
The selection of the winner of the Book of the Year was predictable from the very beginning. “The anthology of contemporary poetry of the peoples of Russia” is a large-scale canvas, in the creation of which several hundred people participated. The authors of the multilingual collection are 229 poets of different nationalities from different regions of the Russian Federation. All poems are published in Russian, here you can get acquainted with the original version. The responsible editor of the anthology Maxim Amelin received a prize from the Ananov jewelry house - a precious egg with a miniature book. In the near future - the publication of a similar "children’s" collection.
In the category "Poetry" another anthology was preferred - "100 poems about Moscow." It included works by Mandelstam and Vyazemsky, Okudzhava and Bryusov, Twardovsky and Khodasevich, dedicated to the capital. Translations into English are made by native speakers.
The catalog “Soviet Renaissance. Catalog” was recognized as the best art book. Painting, Graphics, Sculpture 1960-2000 ”, published by the private museum of Anatoly Zverev. It includes the work of nonconformist artists from the collection collected by the museum director Natalya Opaleva. Bright representatives of the second Russian avant-garde, which are dedicated to the comments of art historian Sergei Solovyov and essays by writer Vladimir Aleinikov, were Sidur, Nemukhin, Yakovlev, Krasnopevtsev, Zverev, Nemukhin, Vechtomov. A beautifully illustrated publication that allows you to better learn about one of the most dramatic periods in the history of contemporary Russian art.
Two-volume by Ekaterina Genieva, Director General of the All-Russian Library of Foreign Literature from 1993 to 2015, was awarded special mention and diploma. Doctor of Philology, specialist in English prose of the 19th-20th centuries, a man of unique spiritual qualities did everything to create a unique atmosphere in "Alien" communication. Access to closed foundations, acquaintance with relevant news of foreign literature, exhibitions, lectures, the opening of cultural centers of 15 countries, the institution of tolerance, the strengthening of cultural ties with other countries are just a small part of what was done by this wonderful woman. The two-volume book includes her works on Russian, English, and Irish literature, chapters from her dissertation, memoirs, and lectures.
In the nomination “Prose” the book of Lev Danilkin “Lenin. Pantocrator of Solar Dust. " The biography of the leader of the world proletariat, and along with Nadezhda Krupskaya, without molasses and demonization. From childhood to the drama of recent years, a meticulous analysis of the multi-volume heritage, unexpected discoveries and parallels. Psychological detective, adventure novel, comedy of manners, historical epic, debunking of myths. The statue of the commander, descended from the dusty pedestal and acquired the features of a living person.
Elena Tanakova © Gallerix.ru
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