Popularization of history from Akunin. Affordable and fun
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MOSCOW. The fourth volume from the cycle “History of the Russian State” by Boris Akunin came out.
Boris Akunin hatched the idea of a fictionalized account of historical facts for a long time. I agree with the famous Voltaire saying that all genres are good, except for boring ones. Trying, like Karamzin, to tell about the history of Russia in a fascinating, accessible, unconventional way, without white spots and figures of silence. The decision to abandon writing detective stories for the time being for the sake of this project will allow us to keep within the decade allotted for these purposes.
In the first three volumes, Akunin told readers about Ancient Russia, the Mongol invasion, the Horde period, the reign of Ivan III and Boris Godunov. Recently released fourth covers the time period, including the Time of Troubles and the reign of Peter I. The described facts and conclusions made on their basis allow us to draw unexpected analogies and trace the origins of the events of the present day.
The highlight of the new project of Akunin is a series of adventure stories supplementing the historical works. Their main characters are representatives of different generations of the same family, whose life passes before the reader century after century. For the convenience of gadget fans, electronic versions of each volume.
Elena Tanakova © Gallerix.ru
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