Secrets, tragedies and family sagas of ancient Salisbury
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MOSCOW. Rutherford’s historical novel Sarum was published in Russian.
According to the bizarre chronology of the publication of the works of Edward Rutherford (Edward Rutherfurd) in Russian, his first book “Sarum” (Sarum) 1987 is published only now - after the previously translated, but later written “London”, “Paris”, “New York”. It was at Sarum that the former political scientist and bookseller hone his writing skills in historical novels. The ingenious hook hooking the reader’s attention without fail turned out to be the unification of the family saga and the history of the big city, the tangle of which has been unwound for several centuries. A technique involving a long journey through centuries and destinies.
Rutherford’s novel is a dramatic pairing of life trajectories of different generations of several families against the background of the old Salisbury (Sarum is an abbreviation for this name). The pride of the small town is the fairs that have been held here since 1227, the memories of famous concerts of classical music by James Harris and the presence of local attractions on the canvases of the Constable (John Constable). But Stonehenge remains the hallmark of a small town in Wiltshire and its main secret. The bizarre stone structures that appeared here several millennia BC are the point of attraction of pilgrims from around the world. The stone landmark is one of the full participants in a fascinating story that captured the events of the Second World War and the Reformation, the industrial revolution, the construction of the Globus Theater and the epidemic of the bubonic plague, which claimed the lives of tens of millions of people.
Elena Tanakova ©
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