Positive results of the 35th Congress of the International Council on Children and Youth Literature
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AUCKLAND. The IBBY Honor List has the names of Russians. Tatyana Voronkina - holder of an honorary diploma.
The Congress of the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY), held in New Zealand in August, presented a list of the best authors, translators and illustrators from different countries over the past two years.) includes books for children put forward by IBBY national sections in three categories: author, translator, illustrator. Main selection criteria: recently written books should be among the best examples of children’s literature in their country, and their content and design should not prevent their publication in any country in the world.
The publications included in the IBBY Honor List-2016, on which Tatyana Voronkina, a Hungarian translator, artist Nikolai Ustinov, and writer Alexei Shevchenko worked on, fully correspond to them. Nikolai Aleksandrovich Ustinov has been working on the design of books and magazines for the younger generation for more than half a century. The Honorary List contains a book of poems by Russian poets, Listopad, with its illustrations. In the category of “author”, a poetic collection by Aleksey Shevchenko from St. Petersburg with amazing illustrations by Anna Sudakova was noted.
The translator from Hungarian Tatyana Voronkina is not only mentioned in the Honorary List, but also awarded with a diploma of the International Council. She was awarded this honor for the translation of Nora Mayorosh’s debut novel “The 3x1 Family” about 9-year-old Bruni and her “mosaic” family. Voronkina’s portfolio contains several hundred works by Hungarian writers. Among the favorite authors are Pal Bekesh and Eva Janikowski. The teachers of Tatyana Iosifovna were past Stalinist camps and representatives of the Hungarian intelligentsia who failed to demonstrate sufficient loyalty to the regime imposed in their country. Thanks to Voronkina, the Russian-speaking reader is gradually discovering the vast, unexplored world of Hungarian literature, previously almost inaccessible due to the language barrier.
The good news was the inclusion in the IBBY Executive Committee of the chairman of the "Book Graphics" section of the Moscow Union of Artists Anastasia Arkhipova.
Elena Tanakova © Gallerix.ru
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