Do not be afraid of hardships. On the anniversary of Kenji Miyazawa
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HANAMAKI. Anniversary of Kenji Miyazawa - one of Japan’s greatest writers and thinkers.
August 27 marks the 120th anniversary of the birth of Kenji Miyazawa (Miyazawa Kenji). The first three-volume poem and prose by Kenji Miyazawa (Miyazawa Kenji), who died of pleurisy at the age of 37, came out thanks to the enthusiasm of his literary friends a year after his sudden departure. During his lifetime, Miyazawa managed to publish only two collections of works at his own expense. It took many years for the readership to not only recognize him well, but also elevate him to the rank of one of the most beloved and revered writers in Japan. In Russia, he is known only to a narrow circle of fans of Japanese literature and anime, posed based on his works. All the more discoveries await those who want to get acquainted with his funny and instructive children’s stories, plays, poems, for which he chose the style of free versification - verliber.
In his well-to-do family, Miyazawa always remained a black sheep. He was deeply alien to usury, methods of enrichment at the expense of the poor, forced out of hopelessness to hand over his uncomplicated property to his father’s pawnshop. As a graduate of the Higher Agricultural School, he unselfishly helped peasants in the native village of Hanamaki and in other villages of Iwate Prefecture, teaching the secrets of effective agriculture, ways to increase yields, supporting the financially poor. Several years of his life were devoted to teaching at an agricultural school, giving lectures on science and art, and courses for adults. Deep knowledge in science, art, literature, music, knowledge of several foreign languages, active educational activities allow us to talk about Miyazawa as a person of the Renaissance. Kenji’s creative heritage is almost 20 volumes of works written in different genres, including the poem “General Introduction to the Art of Agronomy”. The lifestyle of a convinced Buddhist, a follower of the Lotus Sutra is an austerity, almost monasticism, selfless service to people. Kenji Miyazawa died at the age of 37 from tuberculosis, leaving a grandiose legacy and the secret of a unique personality.
"Let everyone call me a fool
And no one will praise
Do not be afraid of hardships.
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I want to be me. ”
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