Annual literary readings in Malovishersky district
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Podgorny. Literary readings in honor of Dmitry Merezhkovsky and Zinaida Gippius took place.
The initiative for conducting literary readings on the works of Zinaida Gippius and Dmitry Merezhkovsky belongs to the poet Alexander Ksenofontov. For many years he has been studying the native land, discovering unknown pages of his history. His research, begun in the last century, made it possible to establish interesting facts. In the summer months of 1911-1912, a couple of Merezhkovsky and Gippius rented rooms in the mansion of the landowner Malyshev, located in the village of Podgornoye in the Malovishersky district. After the revolution, this building at different times housed a sanatorium and wards of a psychiatric hospital.
The mansion in Podgorny was not only a place of rest, but also active work on new works, as well as a kind of literary salon. There were a journalist Dmitry Filosofov, Olga Florenskaya, Poliksen Solovyov, A. A. Meyer. The younger sisters of Gippius, Tatyana and Natalya, also stayed at the Malyshev house. These were the last serene years preceding the era of great losses and parting. World War I, revolution, emigration of Gippius and Merezhkovsky to France, accusations of Tatyana of counter-revolutionary activity, Solovki. World War II, occupation, sending sisters to Germany, beggarly life after returning to their homeland.
The result of the asceticism of the village poet and local historian Alexander Ksenofontov and employee of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve Sergei Troyanovsky is not only memorial literary readings held on the site in front of the mansion since 2011, but also the preservation of the historic building itself. The neighboring estate, in which the couple stayed in the previous two years, is gradually being destroyed. To restore it requires the efforts of not only single enthusiasts, but also local authorities.
Readings annually gather a considerable number of guests: writers, musicians, artists, lovers of literature. Not only the verses and prose of Gippius and Merezhkovsky are heard, but also the works of the participants in the memorial event.
Elena Tanakova ©
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