Pushkin Prize to a physicist who turned out to be a lyric poet
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MOSCOW. Victor Kulla received the Pushkin Prize for his contribution to Russian culture.
The Pushkin Prize resembles an unbending Terminator. Transforming, changing the founders and the size of the material part, making huge pauses, she continues to encourage talented writers. The first prize winners in 1882 were Apollo Maykov and Jacob Polonsky. Among the winners are Ivan Bunin, Anton Chekhov and Prince Konstantin Romanov, the author of several poetry collections. Akhmadulina, Petrushevskaya, Iskander, Rein and Kushner became laureates of the Pushkin reincarnated in 1989 with the help of the Alfred Topfer Foundation. The prefix “New”, which appeared in 2005, and the arrival of new founders did not change the essence. The award continues to go to people who have made a significant and undeniable contribution to Russian literature.
This year’s laureate is poet, screenwriter and translator Victor Cullay. Years of study at the Faculty of Engineering and Physics were needed in order to clearly recognize themselves as a lyric poet and a true poet. Further events only confirmed the correctness of the intuitive choice. Head office in literary magazines and the Summer Garden publishing house, television work, poetic translations, work on collections and anthologies, work with the legacy of Joseph Brodsky. His dissertation was dedicated to the work of the Nobel laureate.
Kulle’s dream is to create a true chronicle of Russian literature without defaults and embellishments, without dividing them into good and bad, white and red, and restoring artificially broken ties.
Elena Tanakova © Gallerix.ru
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