Look at Moscow through the eyes of Bulgakov and rediscover it
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MOSCOW. “Bulgakov’s House” suggested making literary selfies.
It was decided to use the craziest and often dangerous craze for selfies for peaceful purposes. On the initiative of the “Bulgakov House” and library No. 234, an unusual action was launched dedicated to the upcoming anniversary of Bulgakov. Selfies should be taken in any of the places related to Mikhail Afanasevich. After that, social networks are used for educational purposes, on the pages of which "self" should appear. The most original of them will be marked at the time of the "Bible Night". There are many places in which the writer and his heroes have been.
This is a “bad apartment” on Bolshaya Sadovaya No. 10, the house of the owner of the Dukat factory and philanthropist Ilya Davydovich Pigit, who became the museum of Mikhail Afanasevich. Among the tenants who inhabited this communal apartment was a lady who became the prototype of the one who poured oil on the tram tracks. This is the mansion of Savva Morozov, located next to the Patriarch’s Ponds, which became in the novel a haven for the beautiful Margarita. And in a one-story building in Mansurovsky Lane, building 10, once lived the Master and Bulgakov himself. The house in Rzhevsky Lane, in which Elena Sergeyevna once lived. Monument to Pushkin, the garden "Aquarium". The first Moscow skyscraper in 1912 from the architect Kirnsee, where Bulgakov often visited the editorial office of the newspaper “On the Eve”.
The lucky ones who decided to take part in the flash mob will be able to see Moscow through the eyes of Bulgakov. And at the same time, re-read your favorite novel.
Elena Tanakova © Gallerix.ru
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