Poet, ballerina, turner, caring person. Anniversary of Agniya Lvovna Barto
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MOSCOW. Agnii Barto - 110 years old.
The anniversary of Barto can rightfully be celebrated next year. Young Getel Volova (the real name of the poetess) threw herself an extra year. Only in this way could a 15-year-old girl get a job at a clothing store and help her family survive in the years of devastation. She became interested in composing in the gymnasium, in which she combined training with ballet classes. The status of the prima Bolshoi, according to the father of Agnia, was most suitable for his talented daughter. Although she herself was more interested in the work of Akhmatova and Mayakovsky than the productions of Marius Petipa. But learning the pa and polishing the batmans did not bring her into the building with the chariot of Apollo. With a light hand of Lunacharsky, who approved her poem, “The Funeral March,” sounded at the graduation to the music of Chopin, the verses supplanted the rest. Acquaintance with the poet and ornithologist Pavel Barto led to marriage. Together they wrote several works, including The Little Girl Smacked. The surname of the first spouse remained with her forever.
Agnia Lvovna came to children’s literature at the time of revolutionary perturbations. Fresh forces should have come to replace the ideologically alien Charskaya and Ishimova. And they appeared: Harms, Chukovsky, Vvedensky, Marshak, Bianchi, Barto and many others.
With the Chinese Girl Wang Li and the Toys known to every child, the incredible popularity of the poetess began. The simplicity and accessibility of her poems made it possible, without melancholy edification, to reveal to children the truths about “good” and “bad”. The acceptance and trust of a growing audience in Barto’s poetry was maximal. During the evacuation in Sverdlovsk, Agniya Lvovna even mastered the profession of a turner and worked at a defense plant to be closer to her readers. In those years, they had to get up to the machines instead of their parents.
Having lost as a result of the tragic accident of her 18-year-old son, she helped hundreds of families reunite. Children and parents, who were scattered throughout the vast country, were able to find each other thanks to the radio program “Find a Man”. Barto led her for 9 years, and subsequently wrote a book under the same name. The poetess did not leave friends in trouble who fell into the meat grinder of repression, helping their families survive.
Elena Tanakova © Gallerix.ru
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