"I am so hurt for people, so sorry for everyone, that’s why I write"
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MOSCOW. Verdict of the jury of “Russian Booker”: the victory was awarded to Alexander Snegirev for the novel “Faith”.
The sensation took place. The presence of Yakhina and Lullaby Danikhnov, one of the best works of the past year, on the short list of Zuleikhi, according to jury member Maxim Krongauz, did not prevent Alexander Snegirev from becoming the winner. He was also ahead of Alice Ganieva, Yuri Pokrovsky and Roman Senchin. The refusal of a number of publishing houses, which did not accept the manuscript of the Faith for publication and argued their refusal by the excessive depressiveness and rigidity of his prose, was philosophically accepted by him. Snegirev compares writing to the profession of a surgeon, who is sometimes forced to hurt in order to give the patient a chance of healing. He himself experiences this pain for others constantly, melting it into his talented and catchy texts.
Vera is a 40-year-old heroine who dreams of a child and a normal family. Roman Snegireva - a diagnosis that condemns such a dream to impossible, the inability to find someone who would not be afraid, stood next to him, chiselled. Neither in huge America, nor in boundless Russia. The lack of worthy men due to wars and the meat grinder of repressions deprives a woman of hope for happiness, turning her into either an Amazon or a draft horse, responsible for herself, relatives and the country
2 years at MARCHI, studies at RUDN University, master’s degree in political science, construction work, as a waiter and even a scavenger, directorial experience in films. Love for Platonov, Gogol, Bulgakov. And the composition of prose, endlessly polished, honed, without hackwork and improvisation. Result: excellent books: “Oil Venus”, “Vanity”, “Feelings of Guilt”, Prizes “Debut”, “Crown”, the status of the best book according to the Ex libris version, getting into the long and short lists of the main literary awards.
The Russian Booker, established on the initiative of the British Council, defines the best works written in the great and powerful since 1992. Over the years, Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Bulat Okudzhava, Vladimir Makanin and other worthy writers have been declared its winners. The composition of the jury changes annually.
Elena Tanakova © Gallerix.ru
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