Frankfurt am Main finished the oldest book fair in the world on October 18
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FRANKFURT AM MAIN. The 67th international book fair is over.
For three days, literature lovers were warmly welcomed by the world’s largest book fair, the history of which began with the creation of a printing house by Johannes Gutenberg. The first time it was held in 1473, and is regularly held for several centuries. Not only book readers come here (and there are several hundred thousand of them here), but also representatives of thousands of publishing houses, authors, professional critics participating in a large number of events.
The tradition of this authoritative intellectual forum is the announcement of one of the participating countries as an honored guest. Russia became him in 2003. This year, Indonesia was awarded this privilege under the motto "17 thousand fantasy islands."
Among the numerous racks, there were no stands from Iran. Representatives of this country found it impossible to have their products at the forum where Salman Rushdi was invited. Although one of the main problems discussed here was the topic of tolerance, tolerance of representatives of different religions and views, the ability to openly express one’s opinion. The focus was also on such an acute, bleeding problem for Europe, as the crisis associated with the influx of refugees from hot spots. They also discussed current issues of publishing, issues of literary creation on the Internet.
At the Russian booth, at least 800 items in various genres were presented. Including there were many publications devoted to the Great Patriotic War.
Elena Tanakova ©
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