Fitzgerald’s previously unknown story is found.
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PRINSTON. 75 years after the death of the great American writer Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Strand magazine published a previously unknown story that belongs to his pen. The work of the author of the world famous novel “The Great Gatsby” is called “Temperature”.
Fitzgerald’s work, consisting of eight thousand words and presumably bearing a biographical character, is dated July 1939. It tells about the writer Emmett Monsen, who lived at that time in Los Angeles and suffered from alcohol addiction. The story contains references to financial difficulties experienced by Fitzgerald after the termination of the contract with the MGM media company, as well as to health problems that the writer had as a result of excessive alcohol consumption.
A story in Princeton University’s archival repository was accidentally discovered by Strand magazine editor Andrew Giuli. He is convinced that this work was never published before due to the fact that shortly before its writing in 1938, Fitzgerald broke off business relations with his literary agent. The publisher noted that the work is a white version of the novel, it is printed almost without blots. Julie characterizes this work by Francis Fitzgerald as "an extravagant comedy with dialogs in the style of Woodhouse, romantic and a little tragic."
“I was amazed at how funny and interesting the story is. When we think about Fitzgerald, we are reminded of the exceptionally tragic novels that he created. For example, “The Great Gatsby” and “The Night is Tender”, but “Temperature” shows that he was equally good and also skilled in short stories, since he was able to write high comedy, ”Andrew Giully shared his impressions of the find.
Francis Scott Fitzgerald, along with the equally famous great authors Erich Maria Remarck and Ehrenst Hemingway, is considered one of the most significant authors of the so-called “lost generation” in literature. From the pen of Fitzgerald came a number of novels about the period of the 1920s, called the American "era of jazz." The most famous of them are The Great Gatsby, Beyond Paradise, and Tender Night.
Svetlana Korableva ©
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