Grand Russian ball in honor of Alexander Pushkin was held in Rome
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ROME. On Saturday, the third Big Russian Ball was held in the capital of Italy, dedicated this year to the great Russian writer and poet Alexander Pushkin and his immortal work Eugene Onegin.
The celebration, held as part of the Year of Literature in Russia, was opened by eminent Italian actors and dancers who performed the waltz in the image of Alexander Pushkin and his wife Natalya Goncharova, the event was accompanied by live music in the luxurious hall of the St. Regis.
Literally immediately after the start of the dance, dozens of couples dressed in costumes of the 19th century joined Pushkin and Goncharova. In addition to the traditional waltz, dancers who came to the ball from different cities of Russia and Italy performed "counter dance" and "mazurka".
However, the Russian ball, the purpose of which was to promote the development of friendly relations between the two countries, was remembered by its participants not only for dancing. So, in the framework of the celebration, a competition was held for the most beautiful historical costume, and an auction was also held at which the sculpture “Venturo” by the Italian sculptor Paolo Griji was exhibited, a fragment of the painting “Theotokos of Hope” called “Angel” by the Russian artist, the official portrait painter of Saint The throne of Natalia Tsarkova and works of Russian classics. All funds raised at the auction went to the account of the charity association “Aiutateci a Salvare i Bambini Onlus” (“Help save the children”). In addition, Russian singer Natalia Pavlova, who has a bewitching soprano, performed "Tatyana’s Letter" from Tchaikovsky’s opera "Eugene Onegin."
According to one of the organizers of the celebration, Yulia Bazarova, the third Great Russian Ball for a reason is dedicated to the great work of Pushkin. “Russian classics allows you to look at the world wider, take a fresh look at the history of two cultures and feel the beauty of the language,” she said. Julia Bazarova also added that she was very pleased with how the event went.
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