Finalists of the Literary Romance Award became known
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MOSCOW. The new annual literary prize "Theatrical Novel", held the day before at the Bakhrushin Theater Museum, announced its heroes this year. According to the organizers, the goal of creating a new award is to popularize literature on the theater. Unfortunately, today such specialized publications are absolutely not in demand, they are issued in small runs and theater-goers of even large cities, not to mention the province, do not know anything about them.
The members of the jury, which included authoritative critics, writers and theater experts led by the chairman of the jury Konstantin Raikin, the art director of the Moscow theater "Satyricon", performed a difficult task: out of more than 150 works submitted to the organizing committee of the Literary Novel, 5 were selected )In total, 33 works were included in the long list of prizes).
Alexey Bartoshevich won the main prize of the Literary Novel award. He received the award for his work “Theater Chronicles. The beginning of the XXI century ”(a collection of conversations with theater critic Yekaterina Dmitrievskaya; Sergey Nikulin’s publishing house“ A.R. T ”). Eugene Znosko-Borovsky won the second place for the book “Russian Theater of the Beginning of the 20th Century” (NAVONA Publishing Group, 2014).
The winners of the honorable third place were three respected people: theater critic Rimma Krechetova for the autobiography of the great director and reformer of the world theater Konstantin Stanislavsky, Lyubov Oves for the reprint of Vsevolod Meyerhold’s magazine, Love for Three Oranges, published by the Russian Art History Institute and Tovstonogov BDT Kochergin for the work "Recordings of the tablet rat."
“I would like it to be read not only by specialists in the field of theater, professionals, but also that it would be interesting to just a cultural reader in general,” Konstantin Raikin noted in his final speech.
Svetlana Korableva ©
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