A list of the most influential books of our time
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For several months, a massive flash mob was held in the most famous social network Facebook to identify the most influential books. To participate in the action, each user had to make a list of 10 books that changed his worldview. In the modern world, holding such actions is far from new, however, Facebook for the first time decided to collect the results of the survey and based on them create a list of the 100 most influential books according to users of the social network. For the study, 130 thousand posts of different people were selected, of which more than 60% were Americans, 10% of the inhabitants of India and 6% of the United Kingdom. The average age of the protesters was 37 years.
According to the results of the survey, the book of Harry Potter by the English writer Joan Rowling became the undisputed leader in the honorary rating, she gained 21% of all votes. According to the protesters, a series of novels about a young wizard is one of the most successful books in the last decade.
The honorable second place went to Harper Lee’s famous book “To Kill a Mockingbird” with a result of almost 14% of the vote. With a result of 8% of the votes, the three leaders closed on the brilliant trilogy of the legendary writer John Tolkien “The Lord of the Rings”.
It is noteworthy that the very first book on Earth got only 7th place. Thus, the Bible was overtaken by Jay Austen with the book Pride and Prejudice, Susan Collins with the notorious novel The Hunger Games, and Douglas Adams’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
Svetlana Korableva © Gallerix.ru
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