A. S. Pushkin "The Captain’s Daughter":
essay essay
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The work “The Captain’s Daughter” belongs to the pen of the great classic of Russian literature and belongs to the genres of the novel and novel. The writer studied a large number of historical sources, so that the description of the rebellion of Emelyan Pugachev was presented to the reader reliably and as plausibly as possible.
The work was first published in 1836, despite the fact that the author’s name was kept secret. At the beginning of each chapter there is an epigraph, which gives instructiveness to this Pushkin creation.
The plot was based on the events of 1773-1775, when in Russia under the reign of Catherine the Second, a Peasant War took place under the leadership of a famous rebel.
The main character is a young nobleman Peter Grinev. Initially, he is called Petrusha, but throughout the novel the hero grows morally, develops as a person and is transformed into Peter. The young man has to overcome the difficulties that arise before him in order to prove fidelity to the Fatherland.
The work of Alexander Sergeevich teaches us to cherish honor and love the Motherland.
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