Images of literature in the minds of schoolchildren
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What images of Russian classics formed in the minds of adolescents? To find out, teenagers were asked to describe it with two or four adjectives. They should have done the same with respect to modern domestic and foreign literature. All these epithets were divided into three large groups - positive, neutral and negative. The largest number of definitions, of course, concerned Russian classics - 1,500, in the second place modern foreign literature - 900, in the last place domestic - 700. In fact, this means the value of a particular kind of literature, the level of attention to it.
And here is how the positive answers were distributed: their share among all the answers about the classics was 64%, foreign contemporary literature - 85%, Russian - 40%. Conversely, the share of negative characteristics is minimal in foreign literature - 8% against 21% in Russian classics and 45% in modern Russian literature. As you can see, modern foreign literature, the value of which is not supported by any social institutions, is perceived purely positively.
What kind of positive connotations does literature evoke? The greatest number of positive epithets in relation to Russian classics concerns its aesthetic characteristics - colorful, beautiful, elegant. These answers are leading among schoolchildren, both female and male. And this despite the fact that none of these adolescents, answering the question about their favorite work of Russian classics, describing what attracted in this work, did not pay attention to an interesting plot, vivid images, powerful emotional impact. Either they do not differentiate it, that is, they merge into a single background, or they do not know how to describe it, do not speak the language for such descriptions. In the second place, the representatives of the beautiful half have the educational, cognitive, instructive function of the classics; in third place is that it is high, moral, spiritual, that is, an ethical function. The young men the second and third steps occupy the scale of Russian classics - high, wide, deep, huge.
All these ideas are certainly inspired by the school. And in Russian classics, I don’t like what concerns not values, but practices of interacting with her. She is boring, uninteresting, incomprehensible, outdated, depressing. Here there is a conflict between values and practices, which leads to the fact that, while accepting, students do not read the classics, but get acquainted with it through films and paraphrases.
Modern Russian classics are practically unfamiliar to high school students, therefore, most often when they talk about virtues, they characterize it as relevant, contemporary, as well as informative. Young men love domestic fantasy - they also use the epithet “fascinating”. She receives much more epithets when they write negatively about her, although here in most cases these images are not based on knowledge, on reading practices. She is called boring, uninteresting, difficult, incomprehensible, unknown, and the girls also call her gloomy, aggressive and deceitful. Moreover, it is obvious that two images of modern Russian literature have developed in the mass consciousness - it is either purely commercial, or something incomprehensible.
And finally, modern foreign literature. Here, high school students do not skimp on epithets, especially young men who are passionate about transferable fantasy. Most often, this literature is characterized as fascinating, exciting, many add epithets as addictive and bewitching. Girls at the second stage: cognitive, instructive, and at the third - beautiful, colorful, bright. Following the fascination with young men is its popularity, relevance and modernity. There are so few negative characteristics that it is impossible to classify them in any way; these are isolated, and therefore not characteristic, references.
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