"Mobile Pompidou" will travel around France
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In order to familiarize the masses of the French, who had never been to museums, with art, the Pompidou Center has planned a project - the so-called "Mobile Pompidou". According to Agence France-Presse, the construction, constructed of heavy-duty material and consisting of aluminum modules, resembles a huge tent the size of a football field.
She will, like a circus tent, travel around the cities of France and introduce people to the masterpieces of art. This mobile exhibition hall features 14 greatest works: paintings by Henri Matisse, Fernand Leger, Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, as well as sculptures by Alexander Calder.
The curators of the project were given the task of studying the role of color in the exposition and the emotions caused by it among visitors, which, according to their plan, should be similar to emotions after visiting the big top circus.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy, having cut the ribbon at the entrance to the Mobile Pompidou, launched this original project. The first place to house a tent with an exhibition of masterpieces will be the city of Chaumont, which is located on the Marne River. In three months, the tent will visit many places in France and end its journey in the city of Cambrai in the north of the country.
This "mobile" project is the first one that provides an opportunity to visit the exhibition to everyone. The Center for Contemporary Art noted the results of statistical studies, indicating that half of the French have never been to a museum.
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