"European still life" in the Museum of Foreign Art of Yaroslavl
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YAROSLAVL. The capital’s collector Vasily Goryashchenko again shows works from his collection at the Museum of Foreign Art. Earlier, he brought Bruegel works to Yaroslavl, represented the work of artists of the Northern Renaissance.
At a new exhibition, presented to visitors to a museum of foreign art called "European Still Life", art lovers will be able to see works written by Dutch, Flemish and Austrian painters.
Vasily Goryashchenko brought to Yaroslavl 12 still lifes belonging to the brush of masters of the 17-18 centuries. Most of the exhibition consists of works by Dutch painters. It was the Dutch artists who first distinguished still life in a separate genre of painting.
Initially, the works of this genre were called "stillaven", which means "quiet life." "Dead nature" this genre began to be called later. Daria Bolshakova, a researcher at the Yaroslavl Art Museum, who oversees the European Still Life exhibition, says that this is a relatively young genre that became an independent direction only in the 17th century.
Many still lifes are filled with philosophical meaning, symbolism. Looking at the famous Dutch banquets and breakfasts, you can see the Nautilus Cup, which is the most important symbol of wealth. Sometimes this subject is given another meaning - it becomes a reminder of the transience of being.
Vasily Goryashchenko, showing his collection, does not pursue commercial goals - admission to all of his exhibitions is free. He feels joy when the collected works are seen by the audience. The opening of the exhibition was a real New Year’s gift to the city.
Residents of Yaroslavl will be able to share the joy with the capital’s collector until April 8.
Ludmila Trautmane © Gallerix.ru
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