The capital’s Museum of Russian Impressionism presented a collection owned by Vladimir Spivakov
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MOSCOW. The employees of the Museum of Russian Impressionism took almost a year to prepare the exposition of the exhibition “Hobbies” for showing to the audience. Museum guests will be able to see works of art belonging to the famous violinist and conductor Vladimir Spivakov. The first spectators came to the exhibition on June 16 to see the collection assembled by the violinist for many years.
The beginning of the collection was a sketch made by Boris Kustodiev for the painting “Cunning Man”, which is part of the series “Russian types”. Spivakov bought it in London more than twenty years ago, when works of Russian art could be purchased at an affordable price, since they were not in special demand on the market.
Spivakov himself says that he is not a professional collector, so in his collection only works are found that resonated in his soul. The exposition, compiled from the collection of Vladimir Spivakov, includes 90 works of art created by masters of different eras. The names of many authors are well known not only to connoisseurs of painting - Korovin, Benoit, Vasnetsov and other artists equally well-known.
The exhibition also includes a unique selection of 23 samples of glass painting. These are works of folk art, common in the 19-20 centuries in Western European countries. On these "glasses" religious images were created, used as decoration of temples, as well as home prayer images.
All this collection of glass painting for Spivakov is a memory of the music festivals held under his leadership in the city of Colmar (France). After each festival, a unique new work on glass appeared in the master’s collection.
You can get acquainted with the "Hobbies" of Vladimir Spivakov until September 24.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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