Orenburg artist Vladimir Sidnyaev celebrated his anniversary with the exhibition "Painting. Graphics"
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ORENBURG. Until January 8, the exhibition “Painting. Graphics ”, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Orenburg artist Vladimir Sidnyaev. The exposition includes about 100 works of various themes and genres. Next to the picturesque sketches and landscapes, portrait sketches and sketches were placed.
The artist selected thematic paintings for his personal exhibition, among which there are dedications to World War II. All work was done at different times. Vladimir Sidnyaev is a big travel enthusiast. Each of his trips becomes the reason for the creation of many new works.
Many of the works born by the artist during his travels, or the impressions received from visits to the majestic Baikal, the temples of ancient Suzdal, the magic corners of the Czech Republic and sultry Egypt, found a place in the exhibition. The visitors of the exhibition are attracted by the images of gray-haired Elbrus and forested Arkhyz, landscapes painted on the banks of the main Russian Volga River.
Vladimir Sergeevich wrote a large number of his works in the Orenburg Territory. From a series of works devoted to Orenburg nature, one can see works with simple and unpretentious motifs: “Pink Cloud”, “Borovka River”, “Steppe”. In the work of Vladimir Sindyaev, constant search and movement are obvious. Therefore, along with the works traditional for the artist, his experimental works also entered the exposition.
However, Vladimir Sergeyevich prefers the traditions of realism. For 35 years he has been teaching at an art college, where he teaches his students to follow these traditions. Since 2001, Vladimir Sidnyaev is the director of the college, and in 2006 became a member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation.
His works are kept in the Orenburg Museum and in private collections.
Ludmila Trautmane © Gallerix.ru
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