"Windows speak" - an exhibition of the St. Petersburg artist Muses Oleneva-Degtyareva in the "Blue drawing room" of St. Petersburg CX
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ST. PETERSBURG. The Blue Living Room is one of the exhibition halls of the Union of Artists of St. Petersburg, waiting for those wishing to get acquainted with the new project of Muse Oleneva-Degtyareva, a famous St. Petersburg artist. Back in the nineties, she turned to the topic of windows connecting a person with the outside world.
Over the past years, the theme has taken a separate place in the work of the artist. Now her work has been combined at the exhibition “Windows Speak,” which opened on March 15 in the hall of the Union of Artists of St. Petersburg. The plot of the first windows that appeared on the picture of Muse Oleneva-Degtyareva, originally from her childhood, spent in the besieged Leningrad.
Sealed with paper crosses and covered with a curtain that is impervious to light, the window gives rise to hope with one small detail - the corner of the curtain is bent. So, there are living people in this cold Leningrad apartment, and they will certainly survive. More than seventy years have passed since the blockade, but Musa Viktorovna still paints, where there are fires, devastation and deserts in the windows.
Children’s memories do not leave the artist, forcing her to write disfigured windows bordered by carved platbands, without glass, boarded up with boards. Their stories remind of the events taking place today in our world. However, gradually Musa Viktorovna moves on to other subjects filled with a different mood.
On the artist’s paintings, elegant windows with the usual geraniums decorating Russian huts appear. The windows in the houses seen by Musa Viktorovna while traveling abroad look more modern. Sometimes the windows captured by the artist show the world outside, and sometimes, when looking at the picture, it seems that through them someone is looking directly at the viewer.
Muse Oleneva-Degtyareva was educated at the theater department of the Institute. Repin. On her account more than forty performances.
Ludmila Trautmane © Gallerix.ru
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